mercredi 12 avril 2017

How does Artificial Intelligence machines are used in companies ?

I- Presentation of the AI use in Human Care and in Hospitality industry

II- Learn how IFTTT Tool works?

  • What is the IFTTT tool?
IFTTT app has been created in order to facilitate the simultaneous use of different app
It allows to gather and link online-connected services together through this concept: "If That Then This".

It consists in link two element, the "Trigger" (meaning of "If that") runs to an "action" (meaning of "Then, This")
The following examples explain the concept:
- If you have a home security camera which detects movements (trigger) in home, you can receive an email and other warning (action)
- As you can see the examples in the image above, you can gather your favourite apps into one and be notified about your favourite music, information etc.

  • How can I use it to make my life easier?

This image is an example of the reasons I will use this app.
Indeed, I am not very interested in fancy apps in which people use to post their "life" and photographs like Instagram or Twitter.
But, I think essential use that can provide me important notifications and information can be really useful and relevant (whether notification, world news etc.).
In addition to that, I will able to use it for a better and intelligent use of my phone. Indeed, as you can see in the screenshot above, information notifications for a better and optimized use of my phone (saving battery, turning off the phone for professional reasons, automatically send a message after a phone call missed etc.)  
This app can be really useful and interesting to use but this will adds apps whereas we already have a lot...

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