mercredi 18 janvier 2017

Responsive Web Design

The Responsive Web Design
An unavoidable stage in design projects
  • What is the responsive web design?
- The RWD is an important and essential stage in web & digital projects.
- The RWD will design the contents presented in the WEB, regarding the type of channels used by the company,  
- The RWD objectives: making the different digital channels the most optimal reading & visible for the consumers,
- The RWD is related with the adaptation of digital elements, such as, the reframe, the resize of digital elements etc.
  • A design important for:
the best visibility possible, being attractive, being accessible and easy to use.  
In other words: It is about the web design adaptation, regarding digital channels' functionalities
From this illustration, we can easily understand the different ways of designing and adapting the same contents in different digital channels (laptop, computer, I pad, mobile phone).
  • Class work preparation for the session n°6: hotel site on mobile phone
* I've chosen to illustrate the site adapted to the mobile phone version of the Barrière hotels group because thanks to the following screenshots (taken from my mobile phone), we can see that the website contents are adapted to this channel. It is easy to use, comprehensible and relevant.

*   Hotel business website to convert into a mobile phone version : The Eden Rock hotel
* Creation of my free account to Dudamobile

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