ESSAY QUESTION: Describe Amazon Go retail experience. How might it affect the hospitality industry? Give 3 examples.
What is the Amazon Go retail experience ?
Amazon go is a mobile app proposed by Amazon.
It is a new form of digital technology to do shopping...
Indeed, this app allows the customers a "digital" mean to pay their purchases in supermarkets for example. In other words, you take what you want and just leave the store.
How does it work?
Thanks to this app, the Amazon GO system directly recognizes the product (what is it, the price etc.) you have just chosen.
From their safety virtual card system, you can easily register your credit card. And the payment system will be done directly through this app.
How might it affect the hospitality industry?
This new type of virtual credit card and digital payment can be really useful for the hospitality industry, regarding the customers as well as the employees.
Guests' expectations are more and more attracted by the digital app, because it is easy, quick and they trust their programs.
This kind of app, adapted to the hospitality industry will allow the customers to use the virtual card system, and will gain in time.
- Check-out thanks to the digital payment: a gain of time for busy customers
From this example of virtual payment, we can say that the customers who don't have time (essentially business customers) to do their check-out in the front office, it will be a gain of time for them by directly paid through this app.It will also be great for the front office teams who just need to check directly on the app and to do not make other customers waiting.
- Booking and buying services directly through this kind of app:
From this digital app, the services and products consumed by the guests can be automatically register and may avoid mistakes because the customers will directly see what they have consumed.
- The credit card is registered in the app of the hotel but also for the other hotels of the chain. We have to take into consideration the gain of time in terms of check-in and check-out procedures.