mercredi 21 décembre 2016

Online Session

Google Digital Active Training

You will find my Google Digital Active Certificate below.
A very interested and playful training, in which I followed some digital courses in order to understand how to manage different digital tools in a working context.

The Smartphone Guest Service Apps

The new guest relation service used in Hotels...

Let's take the examples of the Marriott and the Four Seasons brands and let's see the comparison of their mobile phone app in the following slideshare.

mercredi 7 décembre 2016

The Artificial Intelligence, the "Chatbot" concept

The artificial intelligence

The AI is more and more used and developed. It collects the person’s data and permits to replace the traditional and classic ways of booking or buying something, a service. The artificial intelligence software knows and anticipates our needs and wants, like a real human. We saw this development with the creation of the vocal assistance on the mobile phones (Cyril).
Facebook Messenger is developing its own artificial intelligence software in which we will able to “chat” and book a service.

The Chabot concept

The origin of “bot” appeared during the 50’s, it is a software that is in charge of doing automatically a specific task, like for example, booking a restaurant.
Today, we can say that, it is a smart software that perfectly understands and anticipates the wants and needs of a human. The bot permits to offer a better interactivity with the users. Naturally, the bot has been developed for the chat’s platform and for the instant messaging. That’s why the term “chatbot” appeared.
We have the real impression to talk with a Human.

The positive impact on the hotel bookings in the future

Thanks to this new way of booking a service, we may think about the future impact on the hotels bookings. From my point of view, I think it will have a positive effect on the bookings systems for the hotels. It permits to save time for the clients and time and money for the hotels.
Indeed, from this way of communicate, everyone has already a Facebook account and doesn’t need to create another one or install another app for booking a room. Moreover, this new way of booking it is more personalized, like we were speaking to a real person. It is simple and fast, we can do this everywhere, between 2 RDV. Finally and for sure, it will attract the young people.  

It will make the booking reservations’ work easier and will develop a new way of managing the reservations systems.


mercredi 30 novembre 2016

What I want to be known for



From the managerial skills I have developed along my university cursus, I would like to be known for a “Human talents developer”.
 My professional goal will essentially be related with the desire of modernize the HR department and enhance the talent management part in a Luxury/hotel group. In other words:

- Enhance the training part at work,
- Develop new and high tech training tools in order to maintain and develop new skills,
- Coordinate a positive HR policy,
- Enhance the social and environmental interests and benefits at work,
- Develop a HR policy in order to maintain a good and effective working environment,

- Develop a better intern communication policy and enhance the teamwork.
My World Cloud
In my cloud, we can see the french key words related to 5 desirable job positions for which I am interested in.
HR Business Partner at Disneyland - Paris,
Responsable Dévelopement RH - Chanel, Paris
Chef de projet, développement RH - Club Med, Paris
Responsable Développement RH - Badenoch and Clark, Paris
Responsable RH - Ralph Lauren, Paris

lundi 28 novembre 2016

Eden Rock Villa Rental St Barth, a new form of hospitality experiences!

Let's test the Eden Rock Villa Rental experience...  

From the website and this video, we can see the paradisiac island, the most wonderful and luxurious villas.  

When you visit the website, we can clearly understand all services and activities that Eden Rock Villa Rentals proposes for the guests. It is not only renting a villa, but you can ask for your own concierge and kitchen staff. You are unique in an unique place...

samedi 23 janvier 2016

Google Alerts & Pocket app

I am really interested in the Human Resources management, especially in the hospitality industry, that's why I chose to set up HR alerts ("Focus RH", "Stage RH" and "Hospitality ON").
See above my screen shots, there the 3 Google alerts on the top of my message box !

You can see below the Pocket app that I put on my phone, I Follow 3 persons but unfortunately I don't have any notifications from them for the moment... But I can save some interesting articles and read it for a next time  !

vendredi 22 janvier 2016

ISSUU Presentation - SIX SENSES

Six Senses Hospitality Brand

Luxury, Sustainability, tranquillity, wellness and natural...
If you want to book your future dreaming stays, and discover that the paradise exists!

Have a quick look to this presentation
Do not forget to watch the video in the last page !

vendredi 15 janvier 2016

Intercultural Management at work - Prezi presentation

Intercultural management

A big impact for the Hospitality Industry.
Would you like to understand or discover more about intercultural management at work?
Click THERE to see and discover my Prezi presentation on the subject.

jeudi 7 janvier 2016

Let's have fun with hangout & Google drive


 Alice, Ali, Romain & Manon

We have fun with Hangout !

                                                                        We were a group of 4: Alice, Ali, Romain & Me
Romain created a slides document and shared it with us,
Click there and let's discover our collaboration work!
We could see what and who were writting or posting images on the Document Slides Shared

This was my creation on our Online Collaboration